Quinoa Believe It?

Quinoa Bowl Matt Lummus

Eric and I always have a hard time deciding what to eat for dinner, and with so many delivery options in NYC, we are usually lazy and order takeout. Our go-to place has a ton of healthy quinoa bowls, and after countless deliveries, we realized, “Wait- we can make this at home for cheap, why are we each spending $10 to have it delivered?”

After playing with the ingredients, we improved on the restaurant’s version (which was a little bland for my taste) and came up with our perfect quinoa bowl recipe. It’s a colorful mix of quinoa, edamame, sweet potatoes, red onions, and avocado, topped with sriracha (of course). All the ingredients cost just about the same as one bowl from seamless, and it makes enough to last a few days! Quinoa and avocado are the most expensive elements, but shout out to Costco for helping us get that quinoa in bulk.

Like everything else I share with y’all, it’s super simple to make at home, and we usually make a big batch, so it’s perfect for meal prep! This recipe should make at least 4 or 5 servings.


2 cups quinoa

3 large sweet potatoes

Olive Oil

1 bag edamame

1 small red onion

1/2 an avocado per bowl



  • Start by turning your oven to 425.

  • Rinse the sweet potatoes, and cut them into cubes. Cover them in a light coat of olive oil, salt, and pepper and put them on a baking sheet, trying to give them a little space between each other.

  • Roast the sweet potatoes for about 25 minutes depending on the thickness. If they aren’t soft enough, keep them in for another couple of minutes.

  • While the sweet potatoes are roasting, make 2 cups of quinoa according to the directions on the packaging. Generally, for two cups of quinoa you use four cups of water, and once it boils, you simmer for 12 minutes until the quinoa is nice and fluffy.

  • Dice the red onions and prepare the edamame. We get frozen edamame beans that are already shelled, so they just go in the microwave for a few minutes.

  • Once the potatoes and quinoa are done, simply mix them in with the onions and edamame. Add the sliced avocado on top and sriracha to taste. Boom! A simple and delicious dinner that should have enough leftovers for a few days.

Insider tip: I like to eat this quinoa bowl for breakfast topped with a fried egg. The great thing about quinoa bowls like this is that they are super easy to customize depending on what you like. Try adding cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, or steamed spinach! Let me know your go-to healthy meals in the comments! ✌🏻